Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 2010

My blog's a wee bit dusty. Quite a few dust bunnies around the stitching and beading supplies also. I'm hoping to change that this year.

As I was getting the decorations out for my 2009 Christmas tree I decided to take pictures of all my handmade ornaments and then I decided to decorate the tree in just the handmade ornaments. It's a slender tree and there were enough ornaments that it looked good, but of course more would look better. So I decided I was going to make an ornament a month in 2010.

Strangely enough the next morning while talking to my beading, stitching and just generalized 'cohort in crime' buddy I found out she had decided the same thing. We decided it on the same evening and it really wouldn't surprise me if it happened on the exact same hour and minute, either.

Somewhere along the way I also added five beaded stars a month. One star only takes two hours provided everything goes smoothly (and when does that ever happen, come on there's always one or seven knots, spilled beads and crawling around on the floor hunting for the dropped needle). So obviously one star a month didn't seem like much whereas sixty stars at the end of the year would be really *wow*.

Since I'm setting goals why not add one more, to document the ornaments and stars on my blog.

My January ornament:

January stars:

And a third January project:

This is a skinny herringbone rope bangle bracelet. It's made with size 3 cube beads in brass and gold lined crystal and size 11 brass triangles. I don't particularly care for the color but I am pleased with the two new techniques I learned (4 bead herringbone and connecting the two ends so that you don't need a clasp).